Hi, I’m Debra Beck

I started my spiritual journey when I was 26 years old after my mother died, a very critical time in my life. I was newly divorced with two daughters ages 4 and 5. I found myself completely overwhelmed with the life ahead of me.

Through my personal journey, I realized my purpose in life is to help people recognize how they are living out of fear through their limited belief system, shift those beliefs, and live through their higher mind and not act out of their inner child.

About Debra


Even though my personal development began at this vulnerable stage after my mother’s death, my lessons started at a much earlier age. I was faced with almost losing my mother to cancer when I was just 13-years-old, a very tough age. My teen years were very tormented, because I was constantly bullied and shunned and had ADHD and Dyslexia, which left me with feelings of not being good enough and that something was wrong with me. My youth left me feeling disconnected, alone, fearful, and insecure.

It is through my 30 plus years of personal development that I have learned how to nurture and truly love myself. I have consistently worked with the circumstances of my life and the old belief systems that I created as a child to transform my life.  I have come to understand that each situation that is presented to me in life is an opportunity to get closer to myself, and to love and know myself deeper and to truly wake up.

Debra is the author of the Award Winning Book

A Workbook for
Tween and Teen Girls

My Background and Inspiration


Work with Spiritual Mentor, Debra Beck

I have been mentoring teens and parents for over 25 years through my website EmpoweredTeensandParents.com, teaching teens to truly love themselves and parents how to support their teens. Through this process I noticed a pattern. I usually work with the daughter and her mother separately. I noticed that while working with the mother on how she could help her teen, the work would return to her inner journey as a person, not just as a mother.  If the mother could do her own inner child work, she would react less to her teen, her partner, and others in her world, as well as have a new awakening into who she was as a person.

Because of my work with parents, I realized I needed to reach more people through my adult mother daughter retreats, individual retreats, couples retreats and mentoring.

It is my passion and my purpose to aid in the awakening of others and help them shift their lives to live a happier, more fulfilling existence.  It really inspires me seeing people have big breakthroughs that shift their current reality, bringing them closer to themselves and others, with an open heart.

If you would like to talk with me about Sedona Soul Retrieval, please schedule a time here for your FREE Discovery Session.

My heart is open to helping you move through your life with greater ease and peacefulness,

Big love, Debra

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