Sedona Soul Retrieval Blog
I hope you enjoy my growing collection of inner feelings and writing. These explorations provide insight into my way of thinking, inspirations, and aspirations. Check back frequently for new articles. Thanks – Debra.

Articles of Inspiration and Discovery

Happy Holidays- Keep Loving through the Holiday Triggers
The holiday season is upon us, and so is all of the joy and all of the craziness. The great part about the holidays is getting together with friends and family, shopping for special gifts, baking and just an all over warm and cozy feeling. The downfall of the holiday season is the triggers of friends and family, shopping in crowded malls, and all...

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year
Happy New Year! I am so grateful to have all of you in my life. This year particularly I think, for me, has been a year of really exploring my behaviors. Am I coming from a place of love or am I coming from a place of fear? The world is packed with situation’s that would bring fear into me. Although I must admit during the holidays, it’s way...

When your Daughter Won’t Stop Blaming you for Everything
Blame means to hold someone responsible for some perceived error or faults, whether the error fault is real or not. A lot of times when your daughter is blaming you it’s misplaced anger that isn’t even about you but you seem to be a safer target. When your daughter was a teen she wasn’t really able to process her emotions and therefore it was...

Growing During the Holidays While with Family
First, I want to say Happy Holidays to all of you and honor all the work you’ve put in to be the best version of yourself that you can be. I feel so lucky to do this work and connect with so many warriors on the path of healing, like myself. The holidays are a time to practice being in a space of love and not fear. It can be such a joyous time...

The Effects of Trauma
Do we all have trauma? I have been studying trauma and the effects and listening to Dr. Gabor Mate for many years. If you haven’t seen his new documentary Wisdom of Trauma, I highly recommend it. Many people associate being traumatized with experiencing childhood abuse. Nonetheless, a parent doesn’t have to purposefully harm their child to...

Avoiding Your Feelings
Avoiding your feelings can create an unhealthy environment in your mind and in your body. But the worst thing that avoiding your feelings does is takes away the opportunity for you to look at what's going on in a much deeper way and grow from the experience. Potent emotions can be extremely challenging especially when there are many crazy...

Retreats in a Time of Crisis
Getting centered during the Covid 19 Pandemic: How can a Personalized Sedona Soul Retrieval Remote Retreat can help bring you back to center? Hello Everyone, it has been a while since I have connected and I hope you and your family are safe and well. This time in history has brought up a lot of old wounding and beliefs around aloneness and safety...

Seeking Inner Peace during the Covid 19 Pandemic with a Sedona Retreat
How a Personalized Sedona Retreat can bring you back to balance Hello Everyone, it has been a while since I have connected and I hope you and your family are safe and well. This time in history has brought up a lot of oldwounding and beliefs around aloneness and safety for many people. There is so much that is unknown in the world right now with...

A Time to Manage Our Fear Around the Corona Virus
It's important to manage our fears regarding the Corona Virus! There is an extreme amount of fear circulating with everyone regarding this virus and our economic situation. I notice it rumbling in my body throughout the day. It is critical that we learn to manage this anxiety by going inward not outward. When we look at the situation outside of...

Being in Relationship or Not
Looking at the benefits of being in relationship and not being in one. To be single or be in a relationship is such a personal preference. One isn't better than the other; it's just a choice that's made. There isn’t a right or wrong way to life regarding being single or being in relationship. Both ways have benefits and downfalls. One benefit of...

Loving and Accepting Yourself
Do you love and accept yourself? When we label our actions or ourselves good or bad we are seeing things through our lower mind. The choices that we make can certainly lead us in a direction that may not be in our highest good, although it may be for our higher learning. If one of our choices leads to an unfavorable outcome, we have the...

Dating Consciously
Are you dating consciously? I have been single quite a bit throughout my life and while my other friends were dating miserably, I was enjoying myself. For me it was an opportunity to get to know someone different and to hone in my skills of being conscious of human behavior. Not only conscious of the behavior of someone else but mostly my own...

Stop Being So Hard on Yourself
Why are you being so hard on yourself? Why are we so hard on ourselves and what damage does it do to our sense of self? Most of us are consistently tough on ourselves without even realizing it. We do this in subtle and overt ways that if we pay attention we will be able to catch ourselves in the process. Recognizing our action and behaviors...

When is a Good Time for a Mother-Daughter Retreat?
Is it time for a Mother-Daughter Retreat? Are you feeling distant from one another? Do you want to develop a deeper connection? Is your relationship estranged? When our daughters become adults it doesn’t necessarily mean we start having an adult relationship with them. If we don’t work through our childhood wounds there may be some resentment on...

Are We Ever Enough?
How do you look at our self worth? It seems we all come into the world with the belief that we are not good enough; that something is wrong with us. And we base how we feel about ourselves on what accomplishments we are making out there in the world. If we don’t have a job that is successful, a nice house, a perfect relationship, and a good...

The Power of a Mother Daughter Retreat
Mother Daughter Retreats are so powerful in bringing mothers and daughters into alignment with themselves and each other. I absolutely love being a witness to the transformations of the mother daughter retreats because the shifts are immediate and visible. When a mother and daughter come together in retreat for their own healing and the healing...

The power of being present! When we live in the present moment, we take ourselves out of habitually performing activities and living with intent. Most of us have a lot of things on her plate every day, which leads us to multitasking quite often. We may find ourselves moving through our days multitasking with everything we do. It is very hard to...

Having Good friends
How many good friends do you have and what do these friendships look like? I know for me I have a lot of different types of friendships. Some of my friends are an active part of my daily lives and know what is going on with me, whether it be good or bad. Then I have other friends that I only get together with every few months and we catch up on...

Self Esteem issue in Adults
Is it hard to develop self-esteem as an adult? Most people think self-esteem issues only show up in teens. If self-esteem isn’t developed as a teen it will follow you into your adult years. I know many adults suffering with really low self-esteem matters. Our relationship with our self is our primary relationship. No one else in the world knows...

4-Week One-on-One Course to Clearing Obstacles
Do you want to clear obstacles so you can live a more passionate and purposeful life? Looking back can you determine what impediments were holding you back? What areas in your life were you stuck and having problems? If you can identify the issues, then you will be able to see the obstacles and figure out what areas need to be healed to...

Expressive Relationships
The power of having expressive relationships! How important is it to express our selves and be heard in our relationships? How many relationships do you have in your life where you feel the freedom to express yourself without judgments? I know in my life I feel so honored to have a handful of relationships where I know I can talk about the things...

A Powerful Retreat
Are you looking for a powerful retreat? Allowing ourselves the time to heal is always a powerful way process life situations and one of the greatest ways is through a personal retreat. Whether it is with your partner, you mother or daughter or simple by yourself, setting an intention to grow spirituality and heal is potent. It is very important...

The Peace Within
Creating the peace within us and creating a peaceful world. The only way to truly have peace inside of us is to go within. The biggest question is how do we find inner peace when the outside world seems to be in a bit of chaos. Most people would agree that if the world were more peaceful place it would be easier for us to be at peace. The problem...

Making Conscious Decisions
Do you make conscious decisions? How do you make your decisions? Do you automatically assume it’s a good idea because a lot of other people are making the same choice? Just because others are doing something doesn’t mean it’s right for you. We have all made one or two decisions based on the populous and realized that it wasn’t a good idea for us....

Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for all. of you being in my life and for my life and lessons through this beautiful existence. Thank you for being on this amazing journey with me! The journey for me is all about working through our triggers so we can show up for others in a more loving way. If you are working with me or on my newsletter, you...

Having Gratitude
Having gratitude for just being alive! Because we are often wrapped up in our day-to-day life of going to work, grocery shopping, taking care of our house and possibly taking care of kids, it is hard to sink into truly being thankful. When we do bring ourselves back to what we are grateful for, we tend to count our blessings for our abundance in...

Out of Balance Relationships
Are your relationships out of balance? In all relationships including primary and friendships, we need to check to see if it is a give-and-take situation. In some relationships you will find that you are giving maybe a lot more than you are receiving. In some situations this is okay like when you are helping someone out that is sick or disabled...

Being Our True Self
Why are we not being our true self? Our true selves or our higher selves always exist; unfortunately they are hidden under our patterns and fears. Who are we, really? In our day-to-day life it appears that we might be the ego acting out. But is that who you truly are? If we were to live in our most authentic self we would not be in the ego mind...

Filling the Voids Inside us
Why do we fill the void inside us? What do you do to fill that void inside of you when you are feeling totally disconnected from yourself? In society we are actually encouraged to consume so that we don't have to be in touch with their feelings. This could be the consumption of food or things. Do you ever consume chocolate, food, alcohol or...
Repair your Mother Daughter Relationship in Retreat
My Mother Daughter Retreats are amazing for repairing your relationship or developing a stronger bond with each other. If you are having problems with your mother daughter relationship, and want to find a way to create a more loving relationship together: Check out my video on Mother Daughter Retreats! Testimonial...

Understanding Our Inner Monologues
How important is it to understand your inner monologues? How do we know what voice to listen to insider head and deciphering if it is the ego mind or our intuition and higher self. If we choose to voice the ego mind we will notice that people will be in resistance to us and that things might not flow with grace and ease. When we speak from our...

Our Amazing Strength
It's amazing the strength we have! When we look back throughout our lives we can see how we have risen up to the challenge of all of our many trials. Even though in the midst the turbulence we do not feel that we can handle it and it will surely take us down. The tough challenges to handle are the ones that seem to be compounded one right after...

Communication Techniques for Mothers and Daughters
How important is communication between mothers and daughters? The biggest issue I see between mothers and daughters is the breakdown in communication. It seems that people in general don't know how to communicate or they are not communicating at all. Both of these issues present huge problems in having a healthy relationship. The main process in...

The Importance of Loving Yourself
For as long as I can remember I have felt poorly about my body and myself. I remember being 15 years old and slamming my looks and being so critical of my body. It took me many years to come to terms with loving myself. What helped me most is realizing I am truly not this body, I am spirit. That my essence is beautiful and I am a Being of love....

Asking for Help
Asking for help, isn't a sign of weakness! How hard is it for you to ask for help? Most of us prided herself on being self-sufficient, although some of us take it to a whole another level. It's okay to be responsible for taking care of yourself and pulling your own weight in the world but it's also important to be able to ask for help when...

How Important is You Time?
How important is "You Time" for your well-being? I find it so critical to carve out time for only me during each day. It can be reading, meditating, being with friends, or doing anything that is relaxing. We act like a bottomless pit of energy that can keep going without renewal. Constantly filling our schedule with a long list of things we need...

Our True Authentic Self
Living in our true authentic self and feeling at peace! Whether we acknowledge it or not, our authentic self exists but unfortunately it is hidden under our limiting beliefs and fears. It is only through the recognition of these fears and beliefs that we can truly live in our authentic self. I had a client today asked me why we would put so much...

The Blame Game
It’s a beautiful time when we go inward for our healing instead of looking outside of our self. There is nothing we can do to make somebody else take responsibility for his or her own actions. The only thing we can do is to make sure that we are taking full responsibility for our own actions and not getting wrapped up in the drama that is caused...

Regret and Forgiveness
The weight of regret and the lack of forgiveness. When working with mothers and daughters, I notice that there is a lot of regret and an unwillingness to forgive. Regret can be something we have for things we have done in the past to others or ourselves. Mothers usually have regret about not showing up a certain way for their daughters. It is so...

When Things Don’t Go Our Way!
What happens when things don’t go our way? We are always pushing up against life to get things to go the way we think they need to go. We want things to go the way we envision them to go. We set goals and we do mantra’s to bring in what we want in our life. Then when life doesn't happen the way we wanted it to, we think we've done something...

Realizing our Potential and Recognizing our Growth
How to realize your potential and recognize your growth! A part of recognizing our growth is actually looking back at what we have done and how we have shifted our limiting beliefs. When we recognize our areas of transformation, we see what potential we have come into. Because we are with ourselves 24/7 it is difficult to see our growth. It is...

Using Your Mother Daughter Relationship to Grow
Why would you use your mother daughter relationship to grow? The mother-daughter relationship is our biggest opportunity for waking up and growing. We have two relationships in our life for optimum growth possibilities; the first one is the mother-daughter relationship and the second one is with our primary partner. Both of these relationships...

Reacting From Our Triggers
Learning to not react from our triggers, can be a life savers! It's amazing how fast we react when we get triggered. If we are not constantly being the observer and watching ourselves the heat of the trigger can hijack us. It doesn't matter if the feelings are anger, fear or sadness if we get hijacked because of our old belief system there is no...

Feeling Run Down with Emotional Work
Do you feel run down when you do your emotional process? Sometimes I notice that when I am deep in my emotional work that I started to feel a little achy, like I have the flu. Sometimes it shows up with a headache or just fatigue. I will often think that I am coming down with something when actually it's just detoxing from my emotional process....

Get Out of Other Peoples Business!
What does it look like to get out of other peoples business and deal with your own? Our biggest problem with our personal growth is that we stick our nose in other peoples business instead of staying in our own lane and paying attention to what’s going on inside of us. When something comes up and we get triggered, our first reaction is to look...

Why is Nature so Healing?
Nature in and of itself is a healing modality. It's amazing how good I feel while hanging out by the creek, hiking in the mountains or simply walking barefoot in the grass. As amazing as I feel when I’m close to nature, I'm always so shocked by how hard it is for me to get to it. Our lives are so busy with working, family schedules and other...

Is your Home a Sanctuary?
Creating a sanctuary in your home for your own happiness. I have always been a big believer in making our home a place that is relaxing, comforting and a sanctuary. A few things that you can do to make your home and oasis is: first and foremost decorating your personal space to your liking. If you are surrounded by objects you don’t like or...

A Time to Retreat
When is a good time to retreat? Retreats can be a great time to go inward, renew and gain a new perspective. It allows us to go deeper into ourselves so that we can emerge in a whole new way. It's important for us to just stop and step away from the busyness of our world so that we can gain a new awareness of what's going on. Vacations don't hold...

Recognizing your Growth
How important is recognizing your growth? Most of the time we are in a slow growth process when it comes to our evolution. Every once in a while we have bursts of breakthroughs that seem like we shift on a dime. But most commonly it's a slow, gradual process. Because it is a slower process it's hard to recognize the changes that we made in our...

Processing Our Hurts
Why is processing our hurts so important? When we aren’t looking at and understanding our childhood wounding so we can process through them, they will start becoming part of our personality. Some of our personality quirks are actually coming from our reactions to our unhealed childhood wounding. It actually seems that it is a part of who we are...

What Does Non-attachment Look Like for a Mother?
Do you practice non-attachment with your adult daughter? The toughest challenges, as a mother is to allow our kids to be who they are. Looking at our attachments around what we want our kids to be is extremely confusing. Part of successful parenting depends on our love and guidance for children; unfortunately this is done mostly with an...

Helping Women Rise Up!
Why do women compete with other women? I just attended a weekend event called Women's Speak and the one thing I noticed about the event was it all about helping each other rise up. Knowing that we don't have to break someone down to get ahead, especially another woman. Having compassion for each other and ourselves as well. Throughout my life, I...

Why Would You Worry?
Do you think worrying serves you in a productive way? Do you know how much you worry? Most people don't even know that they spend a large portion of their day and worry. The way worry shows up in the body is anxiety. A good practice to get into throughout the day would be to check in with yourself to see if you have anxiety and why. Does worrying...

Learning How to Handle Change in a Mother Daughter Retreat
Are You Disturbed by Change? I remember a manager I had when I was younger saying to a group of us that the one thing we can count on is change. So if change disturbs us we may be upset quite often. Our growth depends on change and transformation. Sometimes change in a situation or leading up to it are a source of total bliss, but more often...

Bringing Yourself Back to Center
How do you bring yourself back to center? Have you noticed when you have too many things going in your life that you become off-centered? Your thoughts are completely scattered and not only are your thoughts going in too many different directions you are physically all over the place. When we spread our self to thin it affects us both mentally...

Sexual Assault is an Epidemic in the United States!
Sexual violence is any sexual activity where consent has not been given! An American is sexually assaulted every 92 seconds. 8 out of 10 rapes are committed by someone known to the victim 19.5% are committed by strangers. 39% are committed by an acquaintance. 33% are committed by a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend. 6% are...

Managing Difficult Times
What does your mind do during difficult times? When our life gets difficult what do we do? Do we become overwhelmed and fall apart or do we look at this as an opportunity for some personal growth? It can be very tough to manage a positive attitude when challenging times hit us. When we look at challenging times as being punished by the universe...

Harnessing the Power of Partnership
How easy is it to harness the power of partnerships? When we go into partnership consciously we have the ability to create in a powerful way. All partnerships, not just romantic but creative or professional relationships, we have the ability to pool from each unique talent and ability. Not because we are deficient but more because having two...

Changing the World Through Changing Ourselves
Can we change the world by changing ourselves? I think it is a great deed to do charitable work and help others. Going out into the world and making a difference can be an honorable thing to do. It is also important to look at the reasons why you are giving. I believe it was Anthony De Mello in his book Awareness that said that most people are...

Dealing with People Who are Passive-Aggressive
Dealing with people who are passive-aggressive can be exhausting and hurtful. Usually passive aggression comes from people who feel powerless and don't want to feel their own feelings. They can also be blaming you for something that's going on inside of them, again leaving them in a powerless position. Acting out of aggression comes from people...

Why Do We Have Regret?
Why do we have regret and why is it so harmful? There are a few reasons why we may have regret. First is because we are not seeing life through our higher minds consciousness. We are seeing life through a skewed wounded inner child. Second, we have created a mess that we have it cleaned up. If we have acted out of our little inner child and we...

Finding Our Strength Within
How do we find the strength within us through the tough times of this life? We all experience challenging moments in our lives when we feel that we are on the edge and can't handle it. Sometimes we have just moved through a pretty big obstacle or illness only to find another one waiting on the other side for us, before we can catch her breath....
Free 30 Minute Consult to Help Your Mother Daughter Relationship
Are you having difficulties in your mother daughter relationship? This is for Both the mother and the daughter. If you would like to find a way to create a more loving relationship together, here is a gift for you! Check out my video on Mother Daughter Retreats!

Being with your Feelings
Is it hard for you to being with your feelings? How tough is it to just sit with your feelings and feel the intensity of them? Most people medicate their feelings away so they don’t have to be with them. They shop, eat, drink, do drugs, argue, complain, blame, they do anything not to feel. The heart has a wide range of feelings that it...

The Art of Surrender
What does it look like to be in surrender? Surrendering is to cease resistance, yielding, and give in, and succumb. The biggest issue to just letting go and surrendering is our resistance. Our resistance to change, our resistance to staying awake and looking at our blind spot and our resistance to life being exactly what life is! When we resist...

Improving Your Mother Daughter Relationship
How can you improve your mother daughter relationship? Mother daughter relationships are so important. If they aren’t nurtured while growing up, chances are they we be strained in adulthood. Creating a healthy relationship can be complex because of all of our old beliefs. There are so many different you can do to create a better relationship...

Why is There So Much Depression and Anxiety?
Why are there so many people with depression and anxiety and what is causing it? In my practice more than ever, people are coming to me of all ages, with depression and anxiety. Anxiety and depression are the two biggest issues that I work with my clients. Again it is hitting all ages, from the 13-year-olds to the 60-year-olds I am working with....

Are We Crazy Making the Same Choices and Wanting Different Results?
How can we create a different outcome by doing the same action? “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” -Albert Einstein I believe this behavior is from a lack of consciousness that we continue to do the same thing over and over again, while getting upset with the results. It is...

What Do We Have To Learn From Our Children?
Are We Only Teaching Ours Children or Learning From Them as Well? When we have an awareness that we are also learning from our children as much as we are teaching and guiding them, we become very present to ourselves. When our children come into the world they come in without preconceived notions about things, situations and people. They are not...

What Can You Do To Have a Happy, Fulfilling New Year?
What are some of the things you can pay attention to, to create a happy new year? I don’t usually set intentions for the New Year or do New Years resolutions. I am always in the process of moving forward in life regarding my personal development and other projects. I don’t know how resolutions pan out for you, but what I see in other people and...

Being Our Authentic Self!
What does it mean to be your authentic self? When we show up completely ourselves in the world, keeping it real, we offer the same to others. Most of us know what being authentic means and we know intuitively when were not being a real and when we are out of alignment. When we don't show up being ourselves it's mostly because we are afraid of...

Happy Holiday from Sedona Soul Retrieval
Happy Holidays! The holiday season is here, and so is all of the joy and all of the chaos. The great part about the holidays is getting together with friends and family, shopping for special gifts, baking and just an all over warm and cozy feeling. The downfall of the holiday season is the triggers of friends and family, shopping in crowded...

Have You Experienced Jealousy?
When you experienced jealousy what do you do? Jealousy is such an odd emotion that we have all experienced probably numerous times in our life. Starting out when we were younger, having feelings of jealousy for siblings or wanting what another child has, leading into our teenage years possibly being jealous of our friends, then moving into our...

How Do You Handle Reactive People?
Having reactive people in your life, can be exhausting! I have had my fair share of reactive people in my life and what I notice is that I have less energy for the positive things going on with me. I have said this before but I feel the need to repeat it. When you don't know yourself at a core level, the wounded child issues and all, you will...

The Beauty of Surrendering
When we surrender, we allow beautiful things to happen in our lives. Most of us live in this world believing that we have to be in control to make things happen. It’s set up for us to believe that we are on our own and we have to do everything by ourselves. If things work out for us and we appear successful, it’s because we made it happen. When...

Happy Thanksgiving
I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. It is such a beautiful time to be with family and share the love we have for each other. Of course it would be nice to be in a space of giving and receiving love everyday, but sometimes life gets so busy that we forget. How can we forget to give love? Seems like such an important thing to have in...

How do you Feel in your Home?
Does your home feel calm and comfortable? Your home can either be a place filled with chaos or it can be a calm stress-free oasis. I don't think people realize how important it is to create an environment in their home space that is relaxing, calm and inviting. Not so much inviting to others but inviting to yourself. My home is my sanctuary and...

Is a Sedona Soul Retrieval Retreat Right for You?
Picking the perfect retreat is really an important decision. There are so many different types of retreat to go to like my couples retreat, individual intensive retreat, rejuvenating retreat, adult mother-daughter retreat or the teen mother-daughter retreat. Going to a retreat can be a very powerful way to process things that are going on in...

How to Change Things That Aren’t Working in Your Life
Making the changes in our life to keep moving forward! The entire process in my personal retreats and mentoring have to do with changing your behaviors that don't seem to be working for you in your life. If we continue to do the same things that aren’t working for us, we will continue to have our life play out the same way. Have you ever seen...

How Old Beliefs Play Out in our Lives
Are you acting out of the wounded part of you and your old beliefs? Does your mother or daughter bring the wounded parts of you up to the surface? There are a few old beliefs I have noticed that play out regularly in most people’s lives. Here are two that I see often: I’m not good enough and I’m always doing something wrong. I have been doing...

The Difficulties with Being with your Feelings
How difficult is it for you to be with your feelings? When we get triggered and feelings come up, our first reaction is to run from them and avoid them at all costs. The problem with this is that there is never healing done, the feelings just lay low until the next trigger. It is very difficult to just surrender and be with whatever feelings we...

Why is it so Hard to Rely on Others?
I grew up having to care for myself because I had parents that were not emotionally available to care for them selves let alone me. I actually prided myself on being self-sufficient and strong. Because of my childhood it set me up to have a hard time asking for help, even when I desperately needed it. Unfortunately, we all need assistance...

Being Fulfilled Through Alone Time
How alone time is critical to self preservation. Do you set enough time aside or do you need to come to a personal retreat? It is easier for us to move through the difficulties of our life when we give ourselves enough alone time to figure things out. When our own physical and spiritual needs are met we have the ability to show up in our lives...

What Does Evolution of the Soul Mean?
Is your Soul Evolving? When we actively work through our old beliefs and patterns we lighten the load of our souls so we can evolve. If you believe in past incarnations, you may feel like you are carrying the weight of all those past lives with you. When we rid ourselves of our fears, our limiting belief systems and the patterns that we are...

Aging with Grace
How do we age gracefully? When we wish for something that we are not or that we don't have, we take our self away from the present moment. So when we wish we were younger or older it really doesn't allow us to sink into the joy of exactly being where we are. In every stage of our life, we have more wisdom and growth because of our current and...

Exploring Loneliness
Have you ever experience loneliness? Most of us have. Have you ever explored your feelings of loneliness? We have days when we feel lonely or disconnected. The idea of loneliness stems from the belief that we are separated from everyone and everything. In looking at our loneliness we can begin to explore our belief about who we think we are. Are...

Embracing who we are as Women
Can we embrace ourselves and other women in our pure femininity and beauty? When we as women can look into our past without regret or shame knowing it was a learning experience and is brought us to our wise self, we bring all women closer to becoming their true self. When we self realize we help others become present to their strengths and...

How Critical is the Support of a Mother?
Is a mothers support critical? I have found that no matter what age we are it is so important to have the support of your mother. I lost my mother when I was 26 years old and even though she wasn't the most supportive mother, the little bit she did support felt lost when she died. I notice in all of my mother-daughter retreats whether they are...

How Easy is it to Avoid the Inside
How do you move into your center, to be with yourself? It's interesting that most of us avoid our life. It seems like this would be a pretty tough thing to do. Our lives are so busy with day-to-day activities like sleeping, showering cooking, running errands, work and also a lot of busy stuff that actually distracts us and keeps us from looking...

Are you Easily Agitated? Would a Personal Retreat Help?
If you are easily agitated, a personal retreat would help you to see what is going on and move through it. What I notice with people that are on edge and easily agitated, is that there have been many triggers that have built up. What happens is life does what life does and if we don't go inside and reflect on how we feel about certain...

Learn How to Stay Calm in a World with Chaos Through a Individual Retreat
How can you stay calm in this world of total chaos? How do we maintain a sense of calm in a world of unrest? The world is pretty chaotic right now and it's important for us to maintain an inner calm so we don't add to the chaos. Something I have noticed with what's going on politically is that even the spiritually balanced people seem to be...

Do You Attach Meaning to Neutral Events?
Attaching meaning to neutral events can create a lot of suffering in our Lives. The meaning we place on our experiences whether it be disturbing or pleasant, completely determines how much we suffer or don't. The actual event is very neutral but our mind translates the event through our woundedness. It is critical to know how we see things...

Why are People Afraid of the Truth?
Why is the truth so scary? Not only are people afraid of telling the truth they don't like to hear the truth. It's amazing what people do to get out of being truthful. I get it; it's difficult and uncomfortable. I just had a situation where I was getting to know someone, dating them and I came to a place where I knew it wasn't yes, it was a no....

Shame and Guilt, is it Necessary?
Is it necessary to have shame or guilt? I read this short piece of an article about shame and found it interesting and though I would give you my slant on it. It’s from DailyOm, which I love and I think it’s a great topic. Here it is: Shame is a loaded word for Westerners. Like most things, it can be seen in a positive or negative light....

Adult Mother Daughter Bonding Retreats
How important is it to you to be bonded to your mother or your daughter? Becoming more and more obvious to me is how important the mother-daughter relationship is. It seems to be so close when we are younger, then we go through our teenage years and it becomes a struggle and sometimes we make it to the other side after our teenage years. But what...

The Power of Partnership
The power of a conscious relationship! The reason to enter into a partnership is to create something greater than we can create alone. Not because we have a hole inside of us that needs to be filled but more because we want to heal the hole inside of us. Going into a relationship requires both parties to be conscious and awake regarding their...

How Important is Speaking Your Truth?
Is it important to speak your truth? The importance of speaking your truth can sometimes feel like a life or death situation. If we hold our truth in it feels like it might eat us alive. Keep in mind the truth I'm talking about is from the higher self not from the ego mind. When we stop the ego from acting out this is a good thing. I have a...

Grieving Pets
Grieving our pets that have passed can be just as devastating as any loved one in our life. I find it interesting that some people don't understand the grieving process around losing a pet. I have heard comments like; “it was just an animal or at least it wasn't a loved one.” This always surprises me because I believe that our love for our...

Are Children Our Teachers?
How are our children our teachers? Most parents believe that they are here to teach and guide their children and because the children haven't had a lot of life experiences, they have nothing to teach them. Part of this is true we do have a lot to teach our children and guide them through the turbulent years of growing up. But the other part of...

The Damages of Holding onto the Past!
How damaging is holding onto the past? Holding onto the resentment and regret of the past is like carrying all of our baggage around on our backs. It's exhausting and a huge drain on our energy leaving us empty for the present moment. When we are constantly in the past with our angers, we cannot be fully alive in our present life. When we are...