Do you feel run down when you do your emotional process?
Sometimes I notice that when I am deep in my emotional work that I started to feel a little achy, like I have the flu. Sometimes it shows up with a headache or just fatigue. I will often think that I am coming down with something when actually it’s just detoxing from my emotional process.
It is important to recognize these symptoms and go deeper into the feelings of possible sadness, anger, or hopelessness. This is a very natural part of any cleansing process whether it is emotions or a physical. When we do our deep inner work many times we will have flulike symptoms. When we explore our emotions and old belief systems it often prompts deep shifts and external changes that may affect our bodies.
When our bodies start to feel tired because of this inner-process it is a call to action to take a break, relax and just allow these feelings and process to take place. It’s always good during these times to not push ourselves physically and just listen to our bodies and honor the process so that we can have breakthroughs.
When you notice that you aren’t feeling good, stay connected to your inner work and continue to move through it but also make sure you have extra downtime and get enough sleep. You’re going to want to support your body with nourishing foods plenty of water and more relaxation.
It’s important during this time to practice surrendering and letting go, sometimes holding on or resisting keeps us stuck in our process and that is where the body may start having symptoms of illness.
This is a natural process and getting to the other side feels very freeing both emotionally and physically.
If you are looking for support around your emotional work, check out my retreats and mentoring. The individual intensive, the couples retreat, or the mother-daughter retreat, you will learn about yourself and how to clean up your past so you can move through this life with love and passion.