Having Gratitude Having gratitude for just being alive!

Because we are often wrapped up in our day-to-day life of going to work, grocery shopping, taking care of our house and possibly taking care of kids, it is hard to sink into truly being thankful.

When we do bring ourselves back to what we are grateful for, we tend to count our blessings for our abundance in life, or our families. This is a great place to start but what about being grateful for just waking up in the morning and also all the experiences that might not be so pleasant that bring us closer to our higher self?

I love feeling gratitude for just waking up and having another 24 hours of life regardless of what is in store. I know that whatever the next 24 hours holds is all for my higher learning. It is really hard for most of us to access this level of awareness because we are caught up in the ups and downs of our own individual experiences. When these experiences are caught up in turmoil we tend to spin out and forget about why they are coming into our lives.

The beauty about life is that it does have ebbs and flow, expansion and contraction and gives and takes. So instead of getting our self twisted in a knot over the contractions and takes, we realize this is where our learning comes from. No one is exempt from life’s ups and downs that might have our possessions and the people we love taken away from us. Ironically, when people or things are taken away from us, this is when it awakens us to go deeper into our gratitude and we realize how lucky we are to be alive.

Why wait to be disturbed by the experiences of life to be truly grateful. I find it so useful to sink into what I’m thankful for throughout the day, starting with waking up.

Through my Individual Retreats, Mother Daughter Retreats, Couples Retreats and Mentoring programs you will understand the patterns in yourself that block love from flowing through you and to you.

If you are looking for support around loving yourself and others, check out my retreats and mentoring. The individual intensive, the couples retreat, or the mother-daughter retreat, you will learn about yourself and how to clean up your past so you can move through this life with love and passion.

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