How to realize your potential and recognize your growth! Realizing our Potential

A part of recognizing our growth is actually looking back at what we have done and how we have shifted our limiting beliefs. When we recognize our areas of transformation, we see what potential we have come into.

Because we are with ourselves 24/7 it is difficult to see our growth. It is like being a parent and having your children growing up, you don’t notice them growing because you are with them everyday. When an outside person sees them, they completely notice how much they have grown. It’s the same thing with our self.  It’s a good idea to take an inventory on what old beliefs you have been shifting and how you are showing up differently in your life.

When we examine our old beliefs and the attached behaviors it is a good barometer for where we are and how our outside world is showing up differently for us. If we don’t take inventory occasionally we will think we are hovering in one place when actually were not. When I look at my list of old beliefs I get excited because I can see exactly which ones have shifted or I am still shifting. Even though I have shifted a belief I don’t delete it off my list because it helps me see my progress. Leaving it on the list also helps me in case I fall back.

I’m not big on setting goals but I do want to realize my potential. But my potential isn’t outside of me; my potential is my personal growth. I feel like as long as I am constantly becoming more self-aware and growing, the outside world shows up exactly the way it needs to, to support my growth. This way I am not trying to control or force things that happen in my life, I’m more in the place of surrender.

I know that I am co-creating with the universe, all I need to do is get out of the way and stop controlling everything, so it can play out in a way that is for my higher good. The first thing to do is to surrender and accept life exactly the way it is, so we can realize our potential. The second thing to do is keep a tally on how you are shifting so that you can recognize the growth that you have had and become more aware of how to shift current limiting beliefs that you are still playing out.

If you are looking for support around being more conscious, check out my retreats and mentoring. The individual intensive, the couples retreat, or the mother-daughter retreat, you will learn about yourself and how to clean up your past so you can move through this life with love and passion.

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