How important is recognizing your growth? Recognizing your Growth

Most of the time we are in a slow growth process when it comes to our evolution. Every once in a while we have bursts of breakthroughs that seem like we shift on a dime. But most commonly it’s a slow, gradual process.

Because it is a slower process it’s hard to recognize the changes that we made in our lives. But it’s very important to do check in’s to see where we are at. This is why I love journaling so much because I get to look back and see where I was and where I am.

When we bring intention into our process and recognize how far we’ve come and celebrated it, it actually compounds the growth and makes the shifts even bigger. Most often when I bring my attention into the growth that I have just experienced it really cements the learning.

It’s important to look at your life as the observer seeing how your life differs from one moment to the next and how your growth has expanded. I think it’s great to create lists or journal about the progress that we’ve made either with our spiritual growth or even physical world. Maybe we’ve had progress with our job, or our workout regime or our eating habits. It’s nice to acknowledge our progress.

We continuously change as we evolve. Our attitudes, our opinions, our values can even be different, so it’s nice to notice our differences and also be open to accept that we have more to learn.

Giving yourself credit for how far you’ve come is an important part of our growth. When I work with clients for long periods of time I noticed that they don’t remember where they were and they have a feeling of being stuck until I bring attention to where they were and how much they’d shifted. A lot of times just being in the day-to-day situations, we forget how far we’ve come.

Our evolution is a fact of life and needs to be celebrated. Knowing that we are wiser, and more grounded than we were and that we will continue to grow is powerful. By recognizing our growth we build a strong foundation to continue to grow in the future.

If you would like to explore shifting and evolving in a powerful way, check out my retreats. The individual intensive, the couples retreat, or the mother-daughter retreat, you will learn about yourself and how to clean up your past so you can move through this life with love and passion.


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