My Mother Daughter Retreats are amazing for repairing your relationship or developing a stronger bond with each other.

If you are having problems with your mother daughter relationship, and want to find a way to create a more loving relationship together:

Check out my video on Mother Daughter Retreats!

Testimonial from a mother and a daughter

“As soon as we began I knew this was the direction I was wanting to go I felt Debra was spot on with where the feelings are coming from and truly gifted me with the tools to care for those feelings. She did such a great job at turning an ugly/hurt filled situation into a meaningful, purposeful, beautiful experience. I love the way I see and feel about myself, my mom and our relationship… Not only with each other, but with every body else in life. I can’t thank you enough, Debra. You are such a gift! I feel blessed to share in this experience.”
-With love, Jennifer (Daughter)

“Debra, thank you so much for helping me to connect with my daughter and myself. I’m very glad that I chose you in this reconnecting process!”
-Sincerely, Julia (Mom)

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"How to Maintain Your Balance During Uncertainty"

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