There are so many spiritual things to do in Sedona 
Sedona is a spiritual hub for healing. The land alone has active healing properties. If you are looking for spiritual things to do in Sedona you won’t be lacking. There are mystic land tours, vortex tours, crystal healing massages, psychic readings, and any other mind body spirit modality is available to you.
I offer an amazing soul retrieval where you go deep into your past wounds, bring understanding to them and start the healing process. The work that I bring to people allows for sustainable shifts. I know a lot of the programs make you feel wonderful while you’re in them and maybe a week after but usually old patterns start creeping in. I believe that the psycho-spiritual therapy is what gets to the core and unwinds limiting beliefs to allow us to move forward with healthier beliefs. And then if you add cranial sacral, massages, getting on the land or other modalities it is an added benefit and helps the healing process.
Our minds are what make us suffer so if we are not working to shift our minds through shifting our negative belief system, it won’t matter how much were on the land how many massages we get or any other modality for that matter, we probably won’t shift.
It is our ego minds belief that completely gets us twisted in the drama of life situations. If it weren’t for ego minds, we would see each situation as a neutral event that wasn’t happening to us. Our ego tells us that everything is about us and that we need to change the situation or people to feel better. When we are looking outside of ourselves to feel better this will bring added suffering. Life is life and not everything is rosy in life. We need to work with our mind to be okay with life’s ups and downs so that we are not low when something that we view as negative happens or extremely high when something we view is good happens.
Imagine if we could see all of life’s experiences as opportunities for us to go deeper into ourselves and learn more about ourselves, instead of out of control tragedies.