When we surrender, we allow beautiful things to happen in our lives. The Beauty of Surrendering

Most of us live in this world believing that we have to be in control to make things happen. It’s set up for us to believe that we are on our own and we have to do everything by ourselves.  If things work out for us and we appear successful, it’s because we made it happen.

When we surrender, which is the opposite of controlling, we have a better chance of success. Sometimes we are trying to control the situation that is impossible to control, which causes a lot of suffering. When we do what we need to do to make things happen and then surrender, just let go, knowing that whatever happens is for higher purpose. This creates a very calm place inside of us.

A perfect example of this is a wife trying to get her husband to do something she wants and she keeps coming up against his resistance and yet she keeps trying to control the situation. This causes the wife a lot of suffering, because she can’t make the situation change. It also causes a lot of resentment from her partner. When the wife surrenders and let’s go, something organic happens, either the partner shifts or she stops caring about what she wanted so badly in the first place.

We have all had experiences where we are using huge amounts of energy to reach particular goal or tried to change a situation only to realize that it’s not going to happen, no matter what. When we completely let go, giving it up to a higher power or simply releasing the desire to control completely leaves us with a profound feeling of relief. When we are able to sit in this feeling of calm, surrendering, things start to happen in a more natural way.

When we surrender it’s amazing how things may work out exactly the way we wanted them to, but not always. There may be a bigger plan that we weren’t aware of that our controlling gets in the way of.  To be in the flow of life, surrendering, let things unfold in a more organic way.

In all of my retreats, whether it be, the individual intensivemother-daughter, or the couples retreat you will learn how to recognize your inner child, love yourself, shift these old beliefs and show up differently in the world. Surrendering will become a new way of life.

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